The Volkswagen Passat remote control is one of the most elegant and innovative models of this line of cars. A lot of its characteristics are shared with other controls like the Ford Proximity control, for example.
As you may know, this brand of cars is recognized globally thanks to its accessibility and variety of designs that allow all kinds of users to acquire them and feel comfortable with them. One of the elements that make up the user experience is the remote control.
Beforehand we have been talking about different control models such as the Versa and X-Trail controls. On this occasion, the team of locksmith in California will share with you information about the VW Passat remote control, which has 4 buttons to perform practical and useful functions to make the user dynamics more interesting.
4 button functions
This control has a modern and versatile design, one of its innovative functions is that it has a key hidden inside the body of the remote control. You only need to press a tab on the back of the device, and a little square-shaped handle will come out. When you pull it, the hidden key will show, with which you can open the car manually.
Without a doubt, this is an interesting characteristic, however, it is not the only thing that the VW Passat control can offer. This type of car key has four buttons for different functions, if you don’t know each of them, keep reading.
1.- Doors unlocking and alarm system control
The button is made of rigid plastic and is part of the remote control. Its main function is to unlock the doors and deactivate the alarm system. Once you press it you can avoid the activation of the alarm when you open your car, it will only sound when someone without the control tries to open the car.
In case your car fails to deactivate the sound of the alarm even when you have pressed the button on the remote control, contact an automotive locksmith in California to help you turn it off and check for possible failures in the system.
2.- Trunk opening
On the other hand, there’s a special button for those cases when you don’t want to open all the doors of the car and you only want to unlock the trunk. Its function consists in allowing only the opening of the car’s trunk without deactivating the lock of the remaining doors.
Like the rest of the buttons, this one has an icon of a little car with the trunk open, this way you will be sure that you are pressing the correct button.
3.- Doors locking
As its name indicates, this button allows you to lock the doors and activate the security system of the car like the alarm, which will sound until you send the indication to turn it off with the same remote control.
This way of locking is useful when you see that someone suspicious is trying to access your car or steal it. With this function, you will make it more difficult to open the car and not give the person a chance to do anything to turn off the alerts.
4.- Panic button
The panic button is the only one in the remote control that is characterized by its color red, which does not need another type of icon to make a distinction from the other buttons. It has one of the best functions of the car key because with it you can activate the alert to find the car easily in wide places.
Of course, its function is useful for other situations. If one day you are in danger of any medical issue or anyone is trying to attack you near your car, do not hesitate to press the button to call the attention of those close to you.
Technical specifications
Here are some of the technical specifications of the VW Passat remote control. These will be helpful to make comparisons between controls at another level than their functions or generalities like the ones we presented above.
- Returns a frequency of 325 MHZ
- Uses a CR2032 coin-cell battery
- FCC ID: NBG009066T
- Uses a 48 chip
Compatible Cars
To know if your car is compatible with this remote control we recommend you to visit an automotive locksmith in California because it is the most certain way to know its specifications. However, we also will be sharing the Volkswagen models that are officially considered compatible with the remote controls VW Passat:
- 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 Volkswagen Passat
- 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Volkswagen CC
This was it from us, we hope that now that you know the characteristics and functions of the VW Passat, changing the remote control of your car for one adapted to your needs will be easier for you.
Remember that the team of Key Depot is ready to attend to your emergencies 24/7. Our keys copy services, security system installation, and more are available whenever you need them, do not hesitate to contact us.