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Everything about ABBA digital locks

As you may know, locks are the most used security devices on any property. Traditional locks are common to bring basic protection at an accessible price. However, they tend to be vulnerable to some robbery techniques. This affirmation can vary depending on the installed lock because there are devices more secure than others, like the case with electronic locks.

Electronic or smart locks are an evolution of traditional locks that use advanced technology to provide better security. Unlike conventional locks, electronic ones do not require a physical key to open their system, they unlock doors with an electronic control system. 

ABBA is a brand of electronic locks that offers a wide range of solutions for access control. Their products go from hotel locks to residential locks and even advanced security systems for buildings and companies. In case you want to know more about this brand, the benefits and advantages of their locks, the team of locksmiths in California brings you in today’s post all you need to know about ABBA digital locks, so keep reading to learn this information. 

What is an ABBA lock?

ABBA digital locks are electronic security systems that allow access to entrances like doors of different types. Their functions are based on radiofrequency technology, which makes them work without the need for a physical key. To obtain entrance access the users require a code to put into a keyboard located on the exterior of the door or the same lock.

Characteristics of ABBA digital locks 

The electronic locks from ABBA have different characteristics that make them suitable for any context, from homes to corporate offices and hotels. These types of locks are ideal to create a safety net and to complement the rest of the security devices in a property.

Next, we will explain some of the principal characteristics of ABBA digital locks for you to know more about them and have the information to decide if these devices comply with your necessities. 

1.- Remote Control

ABBA electronic locks can be controlled from a mobile device or computer, which means that the users can control their door access without needing to be physically present at the place. So, in case you are looking for a lock with the capacity to keep records and control via smartphone, we recommend the ABBA-AE03 lock model which has these functions to bring you more security.

2.- Easy installation

Electronic locks from ABBA have an easy and quick installation, which means that it does not need any previous experience to install them. Likewise, if you prefer a professional to install your system, remember to contact a reliable locksmith in California, this way you can trust that your lock will work correctly.

3.- Adaptability

Another benefit of this type of lock is that it adapts to any door, either made of wooden, metal, glass, or any other material. Besides, they are available in different designs and sizes, which makes them ideal for any context. You can find digital ABBA lock models with elegant and modern designs to attractive and practical locks for various spaces.  

If you are interested in searching for models to install in places with special characteristics or needs, you can ask for them in your nearest locksmith store in California. Currently, there are many options to choose the lock you are looking for.

4.- Triple verification

ABBA digital locks also have a triple verification that guarantees the safety of properties. This feature allows the authentication of the users with a PIN code, an access card, and unlocking with a fingerprint. These methods assure that only the people with authorization can access the door.

In addition to this, another advantage of this type of technology is that the devices can provide unique access in case you want to give a person the capability to enter your property without giving them the official PIN.

How do they do this? The system generates a temporal access code which at the moment is used to unlock the device, it sends a notification to warn you every time someone enters your residency. This way you can have much control over the security of your home, office, or building. 

5.- Security complements

Additionally to the security that ABBA digital locks provide with triple verification, some lock models like ABBA-AE03 include complements to increase their protection, like manual lock systems, or even anti-theft burglar alarms that activate when someone is trying to open your locks illegally. 

6.- Affordability

Even with their advanced technology, ABBA electronic locks are affordable and provide an excellent price-quality ratio. Due to its demand and the number of existing models, you can find different models of diverse materials that adapt to the budget of users prioritizing the quality without diminishing any of its advantages.

That is it from us; we hope this information we shared with you today about ABBA digital locks is helpful in case you need a change of locks for your residency or other property. 

Remember that if you need assistance or you are looking for a new security system for your house, office, or business, you can contact one of our locksmiths in California. Our home locksmith services are available 24/7, call us and we will be there to help you.

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